Performance: Vitality and performance
EQUINA Haemoxil
To optimize the performance of sport and breeding horses and to support the vitality and skeletal development of foals.
Liquid nutrient concentrate with biologically high-quality trace elements such as iron, copper, cobalt, zinc - with vitamin B complex and vitamin K3
Liquid supplementary feed for horses
Trace elements and the vitamin B complex intervene in a variety of metabolic processes. Equina HAEMOXIL is a proven combination of these essential nutrients.
To support poor fitness, poor performance, loss of appetite, promote blood formation and convalescence. EQUINA Haemoxil can be used to support the administration of worming treatments, vaccinations and when changing stables.
Sport horses
activation and stabilization of performance. EQUINA Haemoxil improves motivation and is suitable for prophylactic protection against performance declines. During high training and competition loads.
Birth and the first days of life are always a critical and decisive phase for the foal. To get off to a good start, the foal must take in enough mother's milk as early as possible in order to receive enough immunoglobulins and antibodies. Breast milk is often not enough for initial care. Particularly weak, premature, underweight foals, twins and foals from difficult births are dependent on additional nutrients.
EQUINA Haemoxil activates vitality, especially shortly after birth, promotes movement and skeletal development.
Especially during high pregnancy, the broodmare needs a high-quality supply of trace elements, as the main storage of trace elements in the fetus takes place in this phase. A deficiency is at the expense of both the mare (e.g. poor health status, reduced intake rate at the next breeding, etc.) and the foal (e.g. underdeveloped foal, limb misalignment).
Stud stallions
To support breeding performance and activate the libido. With high deck loads.
Studies in horses with anemia show the positive effect of EQUINA Haemoxil on the formation of red blood cells (see below).
EQUINA Haemoxil is a proven combination of nutrients and compensates for increased needs and deficits quickly and reliably because:
The nutrients used are physiologically adapted to the horse's needs. Manufactured in a way that conserves nutrients, they are characterized by excellent acceptance, high bioavailability and effectiveness.
Research report OMNIA / Italy:
In our country there is a risk of mosquitoes (Babesia Equi, Babesia Caballi and Anplasma phagocytophilum) infecting horses in spring and summer.
After treatment with Imidocarb dipropianate, we use HAEMOXIL to improve the red blood cell concentration in the blood (anemia)
In 98.67% of the horses treated with EQUINA Haemoxil we had an increase in this concentration of 18.50% +- 2.50%, in the other 1.33% of the horses an improvement of 19.46% +- 1.35 %, after 15 active feedings of 20 ml daily
Kirsty McLachlan / UK:
Shaky is a 14 year old Arab. Our dressage test results were usually 50% and we often heard comments in our evaluation such as 'needs to move forward more' or 'lack of drive'. He didn't have the energy to really shine and I was looking for a low-calorie product that could help him. I wanted a low calorie version as my horse has a strong tendency to gain weight quickly.
Jane from Envisage Equestrian had the solution - EQUINA Haemoxil twice a week.
The result? Our dressage results have improved and are now mostly at a minimum of around 60% and suddenly there are comments in the evaluation like 'a bit hasty' and 'needs to be done a little slower'. In general, Shaky is better all around, has energy and drive with a positive work attitude without being overexcited.
My mother recently rode him for the first time since we gave him Haemoxil and immediately noticed a big difference.
I will now be feeding Haemoxil all year round and cannot recommend it strongly enough. The advice from Envisage Equestrian was excellent compared to other providers. They took my problem seriously and not only told me that it was the nature of the horse and there was little that could be done. Anything that allows Shaky to achieve good results in the second round of a tournament and avoid fatigue is worth it in my opinion!
Thank you for the help and good advice.
Dextrose, sucrose, sodium chloride
Analytical components and contents:
1.50% crude protein, 0.00% crude fat, 0.05% crude fiber, 3.90% crude ash, 43.00% moisture, 0.35% sodium
Additives per kg
iron - 5,000 mg
copper - 400 mg
zinc - 6,000 mg
cobalt - 15 mg
Vitamin B1 - 1,700 mg
Vitamin B2 - 1,130 mg
Vitamin B6 - 1,100 mg
Vitamin B12 - 17,000 mg
Nicotinic acid - 1,050 mg
Pantothenic acid - 1,050 mg
Folic acid - 1,100 mg
Vitamin K - 3300 mg
Blood formation, loss of appetite, during hair change, convalescence, to support worm cures
- 20 ml / 2 x per week for three weeks
Birth, weakness, increase in vitality, underdevelopment, diarrhea
- 20 ml at birth then 1 x 20 ml weekly
sport horses
Performance stabilization, during the training and competition phase
- 20 ml/ daily for 5-7 days at the beginning, then once a week
High pregnancy 10th/11th month of pregnancy Birth / lactation phase
- 20 ml / Initially daily for 5-7 days, then once a week
via food, drinking water or oral syringes.
Medium and small horse breeds receive food according to their expected final weight.
EQUINA Haemoxil 250 ml
12.5 rations for a 500-700 kg horse
EQUINA Haemoxil 1,000 ml
50 rations for a 500-700 kg horse
Source of supply in Germany: Your veterinarian